Sugar Creek follows the extremely unusual upbringing of Hannah McKenzie and her seven siblings in south central Pennsylvania, also known as Amish Country. From the beginning, the McKenzie kids faced obstacles of every kind, from the physical abuse by their dad to the emotional abuse and manipulation by their mom. They endured harsh living conditions, ranging from tents and teepees, to living in a basement for three years, with nothing but a plywood roof shielding the family from the harsh Pennsylvania winters.
Following her parent’s divorce, Hannah comes face-to-face with new challenges when her mom remarries an ex-convict drug dealer from a notorious crime family. While aware of her stepfather’s past, Hannah quickly discovers that there’s more to his story than she ever could’ve imagined, and the truth of who he really is begins to unravel.
Struggling to survive hardships between the endless legal battles and scandal among her parents, to the rapidly evolving violent nature of her stepdad, Hannah soon finds herself homeless, while at the same time trying to make it through high school in hopes of graduating. While her future is uncertain, Hannah desperately clings to the hope that if she can hold on a little longer, she will escape the hell that has become her life.